Thursday, September 6, 2012

water bead play

I seem to post several activities that captivate Miss.-3yr-old.  Today is Mr.-1yr-old's turn.  He was very interested in a simple sensory tub.  WATER BEADS, yes the ones you use in floral arrangements. 
color packets.  So it was a $3 project.  The beads I found were non-toxic.  They take about 5 hours to expand to full size in water.
He was fascinated by the feel, and spent 30 minutes playing in the tub.  Please note that this activity with a 1 year old requires CONSTANT SUPERVISION.  I couple times he brought it near his lips in curiosity, but I was right there to stop him.  Please do not attempt if you feel your child will not listen to your redirection or if he/she puts everything in her/his mouth.
I can't wait until I set the kiddos up with a light table (it is on my sooner than later list to do), this will be the first activity that we do. was my first glimpse of the wonderful things you can do with a light table (including the water beads).  Amazing mom with great learning activities for her kiddos!

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